After 40 of his crocodiles assaulted a farmer in Cambodia named Luan Nam, he passed away.

He was assaulted on May 24 while trying to corral one of his reptiles, the New York Post reports.

The man’s farm was located in Siem Reap commune, and Mey Savry, police commander there, described the unexpected accident to Viral Press as “the crocodiles pounced, attacking him until he was dad.”

According to reports, the 72-year-old victim entered the enclosure to retrieve one of the crocs from a cage where it had laid eggs. The beast “attacked the stick” he was using to corral it, “causing him to fall into the enclosure,” according to Savry, and things took a terrible turn.

The reptile shepherd was suddenly attacked by dozens of the animals, who tore his body to pieces and covered the paddock in blood.


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