Babatunji Wusu –

After extensive certificate racketeering was exposed, Nigeria stopped evaluating and accrediting degrees from over 45 colleges in the Benin Republic and Togo.

A network that sold university degrees to Nigerians was uncovered during an undercover investigation.

The story described how a writer, armed with a valid scan code and transcript, was able to get a university degree from Cotonou in less than six weeks.

The reporter was able to join Nigeria’s National Youth Service Corps (NYSC) program covertly by using the obtained bogus degree.

The inquiry uncovered cooperation between senior employees of a Cotonou university, including Nigerians working as coordinators of the English section and registrar, and Nigerian racketeering agents.

The federal government halted the authentication of degree diplomas from Togo and Benin in reaction to these results.

This action affects graduates from these nations who plan to enlist in the NYSC program, which is necessary in order to work for a corporation in Nigeria.

The NYSC and the education ministries of both nations are conducting an inquiry that is connected to the suspension. The Nigerian government admitted that combating degree mills and certificate rackets has long been a problem.

The universities in Benin and Togo that are impacted by the suspension are listed below.


1. Institut Supérieur de Formation Professionnelle (ISFOP)

2. Lakeside University College (LUC) Benin

3. African University of Bénin

4. Afriford University, Cotonou, Benin Republic

5. Canadian International Education Institute, Benin Republic

6. Centre International Universitaire Des Meilleurs (CIUM-Bestower International University) Seme-Podji, Cotonou

7. Ecole Superieure de Gestion et de Technologie (ESGT-Benin University)

8. Ecole Superieure de Technologie et de Gestion (ESTG-Benin University)

9. Ecole Superieure des Cadres et Techniciens, (ESCT-Benin), Benin Cotonou

10. Ecole Superieure des sciences, de commerce et administration des enterprise du Benin (ESCAE-BENIN)
11. Ecole Superieure Panafricaine de Management Applique (ESPAM-FORMATION)

12. Ecotes University

13. Edexcel University

14. Esep le berger Université

15. ESTAM University Seme Campus

16. Heim Weldios University

17. Houdegbe North American University, Benin

18. Institut Universitaire du Bénin (IUB)

19. Institut Supérieur de Communication et de Gestion(ISCG-Benin University)

20. Institut Supérieur De Management Et De Technologie (ISMT St Salomon University)

21. Institute Regional Superieure des beaux arts, de la culture et de la communication (IRSBACCOM UNIVERSITY)

22. International university of management and administration, Benin Republic (IUMA)

23. Pinnacle African University Porto Novo

24. Poma University, Ayetedjou, Ifangni

25. Protestant University of West Africa

26. Université Africaine de Développement Coopératif

27. Université des Sciences Appliquées et Management USAM

28. Université la Hegj, Benin (Semepodji campus)

29. Universitie Polytechnique Internationale du Benin

30. West African University Benin (WAUB), Cotonou

31. University of Abomey-Calavi

32. University of Kétou

33. University of Parakou


34. Atlantic African Oriental Multicultural (ATAFOM) University International

35. African Union University, Togo

36. African University of Science Administration and Commercial Studies, IAEC

37. University Togo

38.Maryam Abacha American University Niger, Togo Campus

39. Centre de perfectionnement aux Technique Economique et Commerciales Université (CPTEC University) Avepozo Lome

40. IHERIS University, Togo

41. Catholic University of West Africa

42. American Institute of African

43. Ecole supérieure de formation professionnelle (FIMAC)

44. Université Bilingue Libre du Togo

45. University of Kara

46. University of Richard of Togo

47. University of Lomé

48. University of Science and Technology of Togo

49. DEFOP University of Technology

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