An American couple, Alieu Wurie, 71, and Isatu Wurie, 65, tragically passed away while fulfilling their lifelong dream of undertaking the Hajj pilgrimage in Saudi Arabia. The couple succumbed to heat stroke as temperatures soared above 120 degrees Fahrenheit during the annual 5-day pilgrimage in Mecca, the birthplace of the Prophet Muhammad.

According to a report by BBC, the Wuries had been walking for over two hours in the scorching heat before the extreme conditions took their toll. They were among the more than 1,300 individuals who lost their lives due to the extreme heat during this year’s pilgrimage.

Their daughter, Saida Wurie, shared with News4 the heartbreaking details of their final moments. She recounted her last communication with her parents, where her mother informed her that they had been walking for hours to reach Mount Arafat, a crucial part of the Hajj process.

Saida Wurie expressed frustration over the lack of transportation despite having paid for it in advance. She emphasized that despite the challenging circumstances, her parents were determined to fulfill their religious obligation. Undertaking the Hajj pilgrimage had been their lifelong aspiration.

The tragic incident underscores the physical challenges and risks pilgrims face during the Hajj, exacerbated by extreme weather conditions. The Wuries’ dedication to their faith and their determination to complete the pilgrimage despite the hardships serves as a poignant testament to their devotion and commitment throughout their lives.

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