According to Mr. Charles Aniagwu, a spokesman for the Peoples Democratic Party (PDP) Presidential Campaign Council, the effort to bring Nigerians together will advance if Atiku Abubakar, the party’s presidential candidate, and Dr. Ifeanyi Okowa, his vice presidential candidate, are elected in 2023.

He claimed that over the past seven years, the All Progressives Congress-led administration had undermined the unity in diversity that was a cornerstone of the country.
This was mentioned by Aniagwu in response to inquiries on the Saturday political program “Political Stand Point” from TVC, which was being watched in Abuja.

He explained that a government led by Atiku will promote harmony and peace among Nigeria’s many ethnic groups in order to promote inclusive economic and social growth.

Aniagwu stated, “The Atiku-Okowa ticket promises to bring Nigerians back together in unity since the All Progressives Congress APC has mismanaged our diversity in this nation for the previous seven and a half years.

“We are pleased that our party is committed to bringing all Nigerians together. Our goal in advancing in one path is not only to win elections, but also to reunite Nigerians.

This is really important because, over the past seven and a half years, our diversity has taken a very damaging hit, and the scars are clearly visible throughout the entire country.

“This is a result of the way our nation’s diversity has been mismanaged. Nigerians must realize that with our variety and unification, we can come together.

The Atiku-Okowa ticket would restore the sense of fraternity among Nigerians, just as it is said in our old national song, “Though tongue and tribe may differ, yet in brotherhood we stand.”

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