By Bimbo Ogunnaike

The Nigerian army said Thursday that at least 70 soldiers will be court-martialed for various crimes committed while carrying out the ongoing counter-insurgency operations in the northeast region of the country.

Inaugurating the special court martial in Maiduguri, of Borno State capital, Abdul Khalifa Ibrahim, an acting commander of troops in the northeast region, said the court will exercise its duties within the confines of the law and military regimentation principles.

“Acts of cowardice, desertion, un-soldierly and other forms of indiscipline has no place in any army executing war,” the acting commander said.

He said that the move is aimed at encouraging compliance with ethical standards and promoting discipline for successful implementation of military operations.

Nigeria has been grappling with security challenges, such as the insurgency of terror group Boko Haram, which has killed thousands of people including women and children since 2009.

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