Hoteliers, event planners, and landlords/landladies in the state have received a strong warning from the Osun State Police Command not to permit any cult-related activities to take place on their property.

Yemisi Opalola, the spokeswoman for the command, delivered this message to the media at a news conference held in Osogbo, the state capital of Osun, on behalf of Commissioner of Police Kehinde Longe.

Kehinde Longe, the commissioner of police, has ordered the tactical units, divisional police officers (DPOs), and area commanders to maintain a high degree of readiness and respond quickly to any activity that would jeopardize the state’s peace and tranquillity.

Longe highlighted that the Command will not accept any sort of illegal assembly or gathering that endangers the state’s climate of peace, in cooperation with other security agencies and the Civilian Joint Task Force (JTF).

He expressed concern that there would be violence and property damage as a result of the approaching 7/7 event.

Before, during, and after the indicated period, parents and guardians should instruct their children and wards to obey the law and stay away from any unlawful gatherings or assemblies, the Commissioner said.

He emphasized that the Command will not think twice about apprehending and prosecuting anyone found breaking the law.

Hotel owners, event venues, and landlords/landladies were also cautioned that using their properties for such events could result in legal action against them.

Longe gave the people of Osun State comfort by assuring them that the Command has taken the required security precautions to stop any potential breakdown of law and order.

He asked people to go about their lawful business while staying alert and security-conscious. Longe also urged the general public to work with the security authorities by sharing pertinent, reliable, and timely information with them.

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