Former Vice President and 2019 Presidential candidate of the People’s Democratic Party(PDP), Atiku Abubakar, has educated President Muhammadu Buhari not to “rationalise killings.”

Atiku made the statement while reacting to the statement credited to President Muhammadu Buhari on Tuesday which says 90 percent of Boko Haram’s victims in the past years have been Muslims.

President Buhari in an article published in Speaking Out, a guest opinion column for “Christianity Today”, had said that the perception that members of the sect were always targeting Christians in Nigeria is not true.

“it is the reality that some 90 percent of all Boko Haram’s victims have been Muslims,” Buhari said.

“They include a copycat abduction of over 100 Muslim schoolgirls, along with their single Christian classmate, shootings inside mosques; and the murder of two prominent imams.

“It is a simple fact that these now-failing terrorists have targeted the vulnerable, the religious, the non-religious, the young, and the old without discrimination, ” the President stressed.

Reacting to the statement made by President Buhari, Atiku Abubakar said the killing of any human being irrespective of religion must be condemned unequivocally.

“We mustn’t rationalise killings. Whether Christian, Muslim, Traditionalist, or Atheist, the killing of any human being, by Boko Haram, or any misguided group, is wrong & should be condemned unequivocally. There is no compulsion in religion. Only love,” Atiku tweeted on Wednesday.

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