The Amalgamated Union of Public Corporations, Civil Service Technical and Recreational Services Employees (AUPCTRE) has urged the Federal Government to step up its efforts in the areas of security, economic diversification, basic infrastructure among others.

The union in a communiqué issued at the end of its National Governing Council Meeting held in Calabar, frowned at the deteriorating state of the nation.

The communiqué signed by the AUPCTRE’s National President Benjamin Anthony and National Secretary Raphael Imade, charged the government to quickly tackle some of the challenges confronting the nation.

One of the key challenge identified by the union was that of insecurity, where it frowned at the high spate of kidnapping, robberies, ritual killings and other vices.

While noting the various economic policies of the government, the union however urged that more efforts be placed on diversifying the economy from over reliance on oil.

businesses, AUPCTRE advised the government to seek better ways of making its businesses more viable rather than selling them off to private individuals.

It insisted that the collective wealth of the nation should be managed by the government and not left in the hand of private individual who are only about profit making.

It frowned at the situation where a lot of government agencies are manned by people who are on active appointments and lacked powers to implement government policies.

It however charged the government to increase its investment and monitoring of infrastructures.

“The NGC-In-Session condemns in totality the deplorable condition of Nigerian roads which have caused unnecessary accidents, many of the ghastly.

“WE therefore call on the government to urgently declare a state of emergency on Nigerian roads.

“The Union totally berates the government for its decision to re-establish toll gates on Nigerian roads to further exploit the citizens,” it said.

It called on the government to adhere to international laws and best practices on Trade Union and refrain from dividing such unions along grade levels.


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