By Stephen Godonu

President  Muhammadu Buhari  on Monday, mourned a former presidential aspirant of the then All People’s Party, Chief Harry Akande, who died on Saturday.

His condolence message was contained in a statement by his Special Adviser on Media and Publicity, Femi Adesina, titled “President Buhari condoles with family of former presidential aspirant, Harry Akande.”

The statement read, “President Muhammadu Buhari commiserates with family and friends of renowned business mogul and presidential aspirant of the then All People’s Party, Chief Harry Akande, praying that God will comfort and strengthen them at such a difficult time.

“The President joins international and local business partners of the deceased, management and staff of his companies, and all beneficiaries of his foundation in mourning the public-spirited investor, who over the years registered his kindness in helping the deprived and underprivileged.

“President Buhari believes Chief Akande’s role in the nation’s development remains remarkable and commendable, particularly contributing to infrastructural development by ensuring the extension of basic services to communities wherever he invested, and continually expanding his interests in construction, electricity, and healthcare.

“The President prays for the repose of his soul.”

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