Musa Ashoms, the Plateau State Commissioner for Information, has pleaded with the Bola Tinubu-led administration to enlist young men from the Plateau to protect the state.

During an appearance on an Arise TV broadcast, Ashoms made this call, asserting that it was military personnel’s custom to detain victims of comparable incidents and parade them as suspects.


“Somethings you will come out after your people have been killed, you will get arrested and they will bring you to the media and say that you are the media and say that you are the suspect, so our people have a lot of questions that they are asking and some of these questions we do not have answers to, with all honesty.

“It is surprising that after killing your community and again they say they are bringing suspects then they will bring people that have the same ancestral background with those that were killed… But the bottom line is we appeal to the federal government to recruit young men from Plateau state to defend Plateau state,” Musa Ashoms said.

The incident had previously been denounced by the Christian Association of Nigeria (CAN).

Following gunman’s attacks on many towns in Bokkos and the Plateau’s Barikin-Ladi Local Government Area, approximately 190 people were officially confirmed dead.

It was learned that the shooters attacked the people living in the three LGAs on Christmas Eve between Saturday and roughly ten o’clock at night.

The president of CAN, Daniel Okoh, stated in a statement on Tuesday that the burning of houses and the murdering of innocent people had no place in society and need to be denounced by all Nigerians.
According to the President of CAN, the attack is an assault not only on criminal activity but also on the values of peace, solidarity, and respect for one another.

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