A call has been made for a change of the constitution in which the presidential system of government will be swapped with one that will guarantee a unicameral legislature on part-time basis, decentralization of the policing system, elimination of domination and cutting down of electoral expenses.

This call was made on Monday by an elder statesman and Secretary-General of the Yoruba Council of Elders (YCE), Dr. Kunle Olajide during a radio programme on in Osogbo.

Stating his reason for making the call, Dr. Olajide noted that the present system of government operated in the country had become so expensive that politicians were no longer into politics to serve but to make money.

In his words, “politics is not a business venture but a service vocation. In Nigeria, it is now a business venture. 90 percent of people in politics are there to make money. We now have businessmen in politics. Politics is 100 percent commercial.

“The system is unfair and unjust. It must be dismantled and a people’s constitution adopted.

“The constitution must be discarded and a more realistic one adopted. The political system cannot serve us well again. It is better for a politician to be elected where they are known.”

While acknowledging that Nigeria is made up of different nationalities, he maintained that a truly federal constitution will make each federating unit of the country to explore and deploy its resources according to the potentials of the people, adding that royalty will be paid to the federal government.

He explained that he was not in support of the present clamour for restructuring because it was more than state creation.

“Restructuring involves two major factors. The first being that it evolves out of the constitution. It also vests enormous powers on our elected officials. The bane of Nigeria woes is our constitution.

“Secondly, the constitution gives us the political system. In this case, the presidential system of government.

“Restructuring is both financial and political. My preference is for this country to be properly managed by patriotic and courageous leaders.

Olajide stressed that Nigeria could not achieve success with the present system because the central government has been unresponsive to agitations that something should be done to improve the worsening situation in the country.

He observed that Nigerians were suffering immensely with a poverty rate of 19% and an unemployment rate of 33% while the government is insensitive and distant to their pains.

“All the people are saying is that they want a change in the constitution where the reality of the Nigerian state will be made a priority.”

PREMIER NEWSPAPER  recalls that during the weekend, due to increased agitation for separation, a group, Ilana Omo Oodua under the leadership of Professor Banji Akintoye, a former leader of the World Yoruba Congress, attempted to hold a rally at Mapo Hall, Ibadan.

The rally was stopped by the Nigeria Police, a move which made the group to shift the ground of their rally to another location within the Oyo State capital.

Since then, other groups, especially the Pan Yoruba group, Afenifere has come out publicly in support of the move.



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