Elder Fred Udeogu, a former chairman of the Peoples Democratic Party in Ebonyi State, has refuted the claim that he has switched allegiance to the APC.

There have been rumors going throughout the state that Udeogu had switched from the PDP to the APC.

This occurs just 24 hours after Frank Ogbuewu, a former minister of culture and tourism who is from the state’s Ikwo Local Government Area (the same council area as Udeogu), apparently switched from the PDP to the APC.

But in response, the PDP leader disputed the claim in a telephone conversation on Saturday, attributing it to the work of political swindlers and troublemakers.

It’s not true, he retorted. How is that possible? Why would I go from the PDP to any other party right now? I consider the accusation to be unfounded.

I haven’t gone anywhere,” Udeogu, a member of the PDP Presidential Campaign Council, continued. I didn’t move. I’m still a highly powerful PDP member. As a party, the PDP hasn’t done me any wrong. Atiku Abubakar, the country’s presidential contender, has never wronged me. Senator Anyim Pius Anyim, among other members and leaders, has not wronged me. People like us still have faith in the PDP because it is still a very strong and unified party.

Therefore, anybody claims that I have left the PDP is flat-out lying to you. And those are the individuals I refer to as political troublemakers and jobbers. Since they are unemployed, they turn to social media to say anything and everything, both good and negative, in an effort to be relevant and recognized. But people who know us are aware that they are lying. As a result, I continue to support the PDP.

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