The Joint Admission and Matriculation Board has detailed how candidates who wrote the 2019 Unified Tertiary Matriculation Examinations in April could check their results.

Speaking in Abuja on Saturday at a Press Conference announcing the release of the results, the JAMB Registrar, Prof. Ishaq Oloyede, directed candidates to send ‘RESULT’ to the short code, 55019, on their handsets, adding that they did not need to patronise a cyber cafe to check their results

The code should be sent using the same phone number that candidates used to register for the examination, the Registrar said.

The checking of the result is as follows: Type ‘RESULT’ candidate’s surname, first name, and middle name, and then send to the short code.

The service costs N50.

Oloyede said the new way of checking results was to prevent candidates from being exploited by unscrupulous cyber cafe operators.

[The board stated that the UTME, which was conducted between April 11 and 17, 2019 across the 36 states and the Federal Capital Territory, Abuja, was painstaking; describing it as a success story.


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