Ace actor, Odunlade Adekola, has refutes accusation of demanding sex from actresses he tutors.

Taking  to his instagram account, the star challenge if anyone had evidence that he was involved in sex-for-role, they should come out with such evidence.

He said he intended to ignore the allegation but his friends and fans advised him to speak up and clear his name.

In a video via his Instagram page, the actor said, “They said I normally ask for sex before giving anybody a role in the industry in OAFP (Odunlade Adekola Film Productions). How will I ask a girl for sex before I give her a movie role? They said I asked some actresses — all the ladies in my group — for sex before giving them a role in my movie.

“Me?! I am saying this now and I am putting it to all of them; everyone that has passed through me, I ask that if I have ever asked you for sex before I give you any role, come out and say it. Anyone in OAFP that says that I have demanded sex for roles should come out and say it. They need to come out and clear the air because of the younger ones that are coming into the industry.”

According to the actor, some people, via their blogs, want to tarnish his image that he has built in the Nigerian movie scene for over 25 years.

Adekola said, “I just have to do this. There are some blogs trying to tarnish my image. I joined the industry about 25 years old trying to build my name to this level and some people will sit somewhere to tarnish my name just because they want to put food on their table; you now think you want to ruin my image… it is not me.

“I need proof that I am dating these actresses or I asked them for sex before I give them any movie role. All those who are making these allegations should bring out proof that I am asking anyone for sex; come out to bring the proof, if not, you will see the wrath of God.”



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