At Adeseun Ogundoyin Polytechnic in Eruwa, tragedy struck yesterday when a National Diploma (ND) 2 Mass Communication student’s lifeless body was discovered in her chamber with matchet wounds and her eyes removed.

The kid, who went by the name Dasola, took part in the school’s current first-semester exam.

The details of her murder are still unknown as of the time this story was filed.

Late Dasola’s friend and classmate went to her home in the Ile Idibo neighborhood and discovered that her door was closed from the outside, indicating that no one was in the room on the day of the exam because they had not seen her around to take it.

It was discovered that a few of her friends’ neighbors noticed a foul odor and decided to investigate around. As they peered through her window, they discovered her body lying motionless.

They apparently set off an alarm, drawing nearby people’s attention.

According to reports, after learning of the incident, the administration of the school hastily decided to postpone the current exam for one day in order to show respect for the deceased student’s soul.

However, as authorities launched an inquiry to find her killers, the Eruwa authorities Division was alerted and made arrangements for the removal of the corpse from the chamber to be deposited at the General Hospital, Eruwa.

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