National chairman of Nigeria’s ruling All Progressives Congress (APC), Adams Oshiomhole, has alleged that the country’s electoral umpire, Independent National Electoral Commission (INEC), worked against his party in the 2019 general election.

After the collation of results from Nigeria’s 36 states and the country’s capital, INEC declared that President Muhammadu Buhari polled 15,191,847 votes to defeat his main rival, Peoples Democratic Party’s Atiku Abubakar, who got 11,262,978 votes.

But Atiku has since rejected the outcome of the election, claiming that the results were manipulated by INEC to favour Buhari.

Also, the APC won the highest number of seats in the senate, secured more than 100 seats than PDP in the House of Representatives and still controls mores states than PDP after the governorship polls.

However, Oshiomhole claimed that INEC conducted the elections in a way that favoured the main opposition party.

“I have huge reservations about the way INEC conducted this election. INEC’s bias against APC is so clear,” he said during an interview with Maupe Ogun-Yusuf on  Television programme.

“INEC was biased even in the way it dealt with our primaries, INEC was biased in the way in which it selectively used the card readers or the non-use of card readers in some states where it suits them.”


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