By Bimbo Ogunnaike

Egyptian Foreign Ministry Spokesman, Ahmed Hafez, has described the killing of Islamic State (IS) leader Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi during U.S. military raid as an important step in the fight against terrorism.

Hafez stated this on the ministry’s facebook page on Monday, adding that the move necessitates tackling the terrorism phenomenon from a comprehensive perspective, including the security, development and intellectual dimensions.

The spokesperson stressed the need to confront all misconceptions and extremist ideology about religion adopted by terrorist groups like IS and the currently outlawed Muslim Brotherhood group.

According to him, Egypt will continue urging the international community to hold accountable the states that support and finance terrorists by providing safe shelters to them and platforms to spread their provocative ideas.

U.S. President Donald Trump confirmed on Sunday that the IS group’s leader Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi had been killed in nighttime raid by U.S. special forces in northwest Syria.

Al-Baghdadi, 48, has announced the establishment of Islamic State in June 2014.

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