Mr. Peter Obi, the presidential candidate of the Labour Party, has urged Nigerians to work with the Labour Party to destroy the killer structures boasted about by the All Progressives Congress, APC, and Peoples Democratic Party, PDP.

He also emphasized the importance of Nigerians voting him and Baba Datti-Ahmed in the February 2023 presidential election to reclaim the country from sick, old, and tired veterans with a sense of entitlement.

Speaking at the presidential rally held on Saturday at Freedom Park in Osogbo, Obi stated that the parties boasting of structures can only point to killings, insecurity, and intermittent strikes by university lecturers as major achievements, and that Nigerians must change the narratives.

“Nigerians are hungry, youths have no job, it is not safe to travel anywhere in Nigeria today, all these challenges are caused by those who say they have party structure, but these structure have crippled Nigeria, I want me and you to destroy these structures by voting them out next month.

“We are going to secure and unite Nigeria, we want Nigeria to be proud of being a Nigerian. We will provide a secure Nigeria. We do not want Nigerians in IDP camps, and we do not want you to be a slave in your own land.

“We are going to govern this country with fear of God. We will create jobs for you and transform Nigeria from a consuming to a producing country.

“These people kept bragging about having structures, but they were doing nothing. They are not producing anything in this state, youths are unemployed, we will change these challenges”.

While urging Nigerians not to vote based on religious or ethnic sentiments, he emphasized that the country requires leaders who are mentally and physically fit to lead it out of its current quagmire.

He also urged Nigerians to collect money from those who stole the country’s money and vote them out of office in order for the country to prosper.

“Those that have structures have stolen our money, we will fight corruption, myself and my Vice, we have our own business that we make money before we come into the government, we have never stole any money from from anyone till date.

“They are going to give you money on Election Day, collect the money and vote them out. We will put an end to the plan to turn Nigerians into beggars because this time we will make the country work.

“Myself and Datti are young and in good shape. We can run around for hours to make Nigeria functional again. “At this time, the country requires mentally and physically fit leaders to help it overcome its current challenges,” he added.

During his speech, Labour Party National Chairman Julius Abure urged Nigerians who have yet to obtain their Permanent Voter’s Card, PVC, to do so before the deadline, emphasizing that changing Nigerian narratives is impossible without PVC.

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