Ruth Kadiri, an actress and producer in Nollywood, has responded to the report that Damilola Adeparusi, an Ekiti chef, plans to attempt to break Hilda Baci’s unofficial 100-hour cook-a-thon record.
It was recently reported that Chef Dami is expected to surpass Hilda’s record. In the Oye Local Government Area of Ekiti State, Chef Dami started a 120-hour cooking marathon on Friday.
Hilda made headlines in May when she broke the Guinness World Record for the longest cooking session.
The Ekiti cook has drawn criticism for her lack of emotional intelligence and innovation in the wake of her quest to break Hilda’s record.
Kadiri has also joined online users who are criticizing the chef, saying that she ought to have at least given Hilda a chance to savor her victory before attempting to break the tie.
The mother of two penned the following in a post that has since been deleted: “They won’t think for themselves, but the moment you do it, everyone starts realizing they can do it too. Even waiting for her euphoria to pass is too much for them.
“Meet my people, the Nigerians.”
In May, Hilda Effiong Bassey, better known by her stage name Hilda Baci, broke the record for the longest cooking session. She broke Indian Chef Lata Tondon’s previous record, which stood for 87 hours, 45 minutes, and 00 seconds.