The Senate has on Tuesday abridged its plenary to enable its Standing Committees conclude work on the ongoing 2020 Budget defence.

Senate President, Ahmad Lawan said that the day’s plenary session would be brief.

He also announced another one-week adjournment of plenary to enable committee submit and defend their budget reports before the Appropriation Committee.

He commended his colleagues for their commitment and hard work in the last two weeks.

He appealed to the Senate Committees to take advantage of the one week adjournment to conclude their reports, submit and defend same before the Senate Committee on Appropriation.

Lawan said that the Senate would resume plenary on November 5th after a motion to that effect was moved by the Senate Leader, Abdullahi Yahaya.

It would be recalled that following the presentation of 2020 Appropriation Bill to a Joint session of the National Assembly by President Muhammadu Buhari on the 8th of October, the Senate had adjourned plenary till October 29 to enable Committees engage with Ministries, Departments and Agencies (MDAs) in the defence of their 2020 Budget estimates.


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