Abdullahi Dahiru was sentenced to six months in jail by an Area Court in Jos on Tuesday for stealing items valued at two million naira.

After the defendant entered a guilty plea and requested leniency from the court, Judge Shawomi Bokkos punished him.

Bokkos also offered the prisoner the chance to pay a N50,000 fine.


Earlier, Insp. Ibrahim Gokwat, the police prosecutor, informed the court that Mr. Musa Hassan had reported the matter to the “C” division police station on June 15.

Gokwat stated that the complainant found out that the accused, a salesperson in his provision shop at Terminus market, had stolen products valued at two million naira when he made inventory of the commodities in his store.


The prosecution also informed the court that the accused had admitted to committing the crime during a police probe.


He claimed that over the course of the investigation, the accused admitted to giving the money to his mother and older brother, who then sent him roofing sheets and calves.


He claimed that the offense was against Northern Nigeria’s Plateau State Penal Code.

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