Babatunji Wusu –

Speaker of the House of Representatives, Tajudeen Abbas, recently offered valuable advice to Nigerian youths, urging them to cultivate patience, attention to detail, and a methodical approach to processes. In a video shared on his X account from an interactive session of the Legislative Mentorship Initiative, Abbas highlighted the unique advantages of today’s younger generation, including access to top-tier education and advanced technology.

Abbas acknowledged that Nigerian youths are fortunate to be part of an era brimming with educational and technological resources that surpass those available to previous generations. He praised the younger generation for their adaptability and proficiency with modern tools, noting, “You have the best education and technology available to you. Unlike our generation, where knowledge came primarily from books, you have the internet at your fingertips.”

Despite these advantages, Abbas pointed out an area for improvement: attention to detail. He observed that while technology provides shortcuts and rapid answers, it sometimes leads to a hurried approach that lacks thoroughness. “In the past, you had to visit libraries, consult multiple sources, and meticulously read through materials to find answers,” he explained. “Today, the internet offers instant responses, but this can sometimes mean missing out on understanding the underlying process.”

Abbas emphasized that while the younger generation excels in many areas, honing skills like patience and meticulousness will further enhance their effectiveness. “The only area where the older generation might have an edge is in being more articulate and detail-oriented. I believe that improving these aspects will help you fully realize your potential.”

Overall, Abbas expressed his pride in the achievements of today’s youth, acknowledging that they surpass previous generations in many respects, with only a few areas left for development.

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