This article includes spoilers for the Season 1 finale of “The Last of Us,” which is currently available to view on HBO Max.

HBO formally renewed “The Last of Us” for Season 2 in January, but the show’s makers have “more than one season” in mind to portray the far longer tale from the video game’s follow-up, “The Last of Us: Part II.”

“The Last of Us: Part II” presents a longer, more intricate story than its predecessor and will be released on the PlayStation 4 in 2020, seven years after the original game’s release. The HBO adaptation’s creators, Craig Mazin and Neil Druckmann, acknowledged to GQ that the events of “Part II” will cover more than one season because there are several additional characters, flashbacks, and action scenes.

When asked if the complete “Part II” plot would be told in Season 2, Mazin responded, “No. No way.” It’s more than one season, Druckmann continued.

Mazin stated, “You have noted rightly that we will not say how many,” when asked if the “Part II” plot will get two or three seasons to tell it completely. Yet, multiple are factually accurate.

Joel (played by Pedro Pascal in the HBO series), Ellie (Bella Ramsey), Tommy (Gabriel Luna), and Maria (Rutina Wesley) are among the core characters that return in “The Last of Us: Part Two,” along with some significant new characters who receive fully developed plots. Laura Bailey, who plays a crucial role named Abby and is one of the main players from “Part II,” made a quiet appearance in HBO’s Season 1 finale on Sunday night. She is listed as one of the nurses in the Salt Lake City hospital’s operating room, where Ellie is getting ready for surgery. A second nurse joins her as they watch in horror as Joel storms the room, murders the chief surgeon, and flees with Ellie back to Jackson.

HBO hasn’t formally approved anything for “The Last of Us” beyond Season 2, but Mazin and Druckmann have already hinted at more action and infected zombies in the future. There would be more “The Last of Us,” Mazin assured viewers, in response to criticisms that Season 1 lacked significant action set pieces. There might end up being a lot more infected in the future. And possibly other types.”

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