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President Bola Ahmed Tinubu has concluded his official visits to Saudi Arabia and Guinea-Bissau and has returned to Abuja. According to Naija News, Tinubu arrived in Abuja after attending the Independence Day ceremony in Guinea-Bissau.


Guinea-Bissau recently celebrated its 50th Independence Anniversary on September 24, 2023. However, all official celebrations were scheduled for November 16, 2023. Tinubu’s presence at the Independence Day ceremony was previously reported on this platform.


Prior to his visit to Guinea-Bissau, Tinubu had traveled to Saudi Arabia where he embarked on a pilgrimage. During his time there, Tinubu focused on attracting foreign direct investment and mobilizing capital for much-needed infrastructure projects in Nigeria. He successfully signed preliminary agreements on energy-related cooperation and secured a multi-billion dollar infrastructure finance facility from the Islamic Development Bank. This finance facility will be utilized to fund various infrastructure projects at both the federal and sub-national levels in Nige

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