By Bimbo Ogunnaike

The Ogun State Traffic Compliance and Enforcement (TRACE) Corps has confirmed that a tipper driver was crushed to death by a brewery truck at Conoil Bus stop, inbound Sango area of the state.

The accident, which occurred around 3:20pm on Monday involved a Mack Truck with registration number: FST 115 XW and a Man Diesel tipper with registration number: AKD 411 XK.

”The police and eyewitnesses at the scene of the accident reported that the tipper driver and the brewery truck driver had earlier had a minor accident by brushing each other.

“The tipper driver refused to settle it amicably, but instead, he jumped on to catch the moving truck. His legs slipped and he fell under the truck, which immediately crushed him to death by marching on his head.”

According to TRACE Corps Spokesperson, Babatunde Akinbiyi, the two trucks have been towed to the nearest police station.

 Akinbiyi added that the dead tipper driver has been removed to be buried by his family and friends.

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