, has attributed frequent misuse of firearms by policemen, including extra-judicial killings, to frustration and hostile work environment.

He advised that, in order to curb extra-judicial killing, policemen need training on democratic policing and emotional intelligence.

Alobi told our correspondent  on Monday in Abuja, that most policemen were not appreciated in spite of working in very hostile environment and frustrated.

“You know, frustration breeds anger; their rights are not being given to them,’’ Alobi said.

He noted that, apart from hostile work environment, policemen are dehumanised and not properly funded and equipped to discharge their constitutional mandate.

“The policeman is not given adequate training as it ought to be; training builds professionalism and it comes by practical application and not by word,“ he said.

He said that policemen need training on democratic policing and emotional intelligence for them to know when to control their emotions.

“If they imbibe these core values and they are adequately motivated, equipped and funded, they will not abuse the use of firearms,’’ the former Police boss said.

The Acting Inspector-General of Police, Mr. Mohammed Adamu, recently directed that policemen across the country should work eight hours daily to curtail work-related stress and reduce the misuse of firearms and extra-judicial killings.

The premier newspaper reports that the shift duty structure of the Nigeria police is currently a 12-hour, two shifts system against the eight-hour three shift standard.


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