The Ogun State Traffic Compliance and Enforcement Corps (TRACE) on Wednesday confirmed that two persons died, while one person sustained injuries in an accident along Benin-Ore Expressway.

Ijebu-Ode Unit Commander of TRACE, Dr Sonde Idowu,disclosed that the accident, which occurred at about 4.51p.m., involved a truck and motorcycle.

According to him, a truck with registration number AAB 052 VQ, lost control due to speeding and hit a motorcyclist and the two passengers on the bike.#

Idowu said the two male passengers on the motorcycle died instantly, while the motorcyclist rider sustained injuries in the incident.

“The corpses of the victims have been deposited at General Hospital, Ijebu-Ode while the injured person was taken to Araya Hospital, Ijebu-Ode for treatment,” he said

The unit commander said that the TRACE and FRSC officials had cleared the highway to ease the free flow of traffic.

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