A chieftain of the All Progressives Congress, APC, and National President of the South East Consultative Parliament, Udo Mbu Agoha, has said that the party should be considered a party in the South-East if the region fails to get any of the principal offices of the National Assembly.

Agoha, a former executive Chairman of Owerri North Council and commissioner for Agriculture, Environment, Petroleum and Natural Resource stated this in an interview with the Sun, adding that former Abia governor, Orji Uzor Kalu should be expressly picked as the Deputy Senate President.

He said, “Who zoned it? And if that is the case it can be re-zoned to the South East and since it was done without us I don’t think it is proper.

“I think if the party really wants the zone to support the APC, I think conceding the position to the South East is not too much.

“But if they think that they cannot re-zone it then Orji Kalu should be expressly considered for the Deputy Senate President.

“If the South East does not get any of the principal officer’s positions, then count APC as a dead party in the South East.

“We have strong leaders of the party in the zone like Orji Kalu and other prominent persons but it is not a guarantee that the APC is going to survive because those strong party chieftains will not have any campaign point to retain the people in APC in 2023.

“So, something must come to us with which we can use to persuade the people not to desert the party that something good is coming.

“If we don’t get any principal officers position it would be difficult to convince the people on why they should remain in APC. And that would be disastrous for the party.”

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