Tunji Wusu –

Residents of Farinkasa Kerana and Sabon Gari towns in Plateau State’s Mangu Local Government Area were forced into mourning last night after new gunmen attacks left 12 people dead.

This occurred as a result of recent attacks that resulted in the loss of life and property, during which Governor Caleb Mutfwang placed a 24-hour curfew on the Mangu council.

Under the auspices of the Mwaghavul Development Association, Governor Mutfwang’s relatives have reaffirmed their calls for the Federal Government to designate the Miyeti Allah Cattle Breeders Association, or MACBAN, as a terrorist organization.

The killings in Jos were confirmed by a local yesterday, Mathew Habila, who claimed the victims were killed in their homes on Saturday night.

He bemoaned the fact that the shooters also burned down several homes, leaving the two settlements empty.

“We had more of our people killed last night in another attack,” Habila said. This time, the Fulani militia attacked the Farinkasa Kerana and Sabon Gari communities in the Mangu districts of the Mangu council, killing 12 people, injuring many more, and setting numerous homes on fire.

Alabo Alfred, the state’s police public relations officer, was unable to comment on the incidents when our correspondent called him since his phone lines were shut off.

Make MACBAN a terrorist organization, MDA

Under the auspices of the Mwaghavul Development Association (MDA), relatives of Governor Mutfwang have reaffirmed their calls for the Federal Government to designate the Miyeti Allah Cattle Breeders Association (MACBAN) as a terrorist organization.

Joseph Gwankat, National President of MDA, spoke to reporters in Jos and declared: “It is public knowledge that MACBAN has been using foreign mercenaries to assault communities, including ours.

Due to these attacks, our villages have been abandoned and turned into grazing grounds for the Fulani herders. So far, they have attacked us 53 times, killing 204 of our people in total.

We therefore vehemently recommend that the Federal Government designate MACBAN as a terrorist organization in light of the horrible acts that its members are committing throughout Nigeria.

We implore the government to assume full responsibility for educating children younger than 10 who have lost both parents as a result of the assaults, while plans are made for the SS3 pupils whose WAEC examinations were interrupted as a result of these atrocities.

Mangu is under a 24-hour curfew by Mutfwang.

To reestablish law and order, the governor declared a curfew for the whole State Security Council after consulting with them.

In response, movements within the council have been prohibited till further notice, with the exception of security staff and people doing vital jobs, according to a statement from his director of press and public affairs, Gyang Bere.

Security services have so been ordered to guarantee that the curfew is fully enforced.The governor has reassured the populace that efforts are ongoing to reestablish order and security in the state.

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