Malam Muhammad Adewoyin, Chief Imam of the Ar-razaq Mosque in Tanke, Ilorin, has warned Muslims against borrowing money to fulfill the Islamic obligation of killing an animal during Sallah.
On Tuesday, Adewoyin told reporters that sacrificing an animal at Sallah is a symbol of obedience and devotion to Allah.

“Borrowing to meet this obligation imposes an unnecessary financial burden on oneself.” “Sallah is not a time to flaunt wealth or materialism,” he remarked.

The preacher, who is also the Principal Assistant Registrar at the University of Ilorin, stated that it is general known that celebrating with friends and family during the Islamically recognized Sallah season is permissible.

“However, Muslims are expected to spend responsibly during the Sallah celebration,” he continues.

Adewoyin further stated that Muslims are not required to buy new garments or participate in extravagant expenditures just for the purpose of celebrating Sallah.

He encouraged Muslims in the country to be cautious while enjoying the holiday.

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