Alhaji Ademola Afolabi Kazeem, a socialite from Lagos, has been listed as sought by the NDLEA.

The chairman of Adekaz Global Integrated Services and owner of Adekaz Hotels, Kazeem, was listed as a person of interest on Tuesday, November 1 for offenses including the exportation and trafficking of illegal narcotics as well as money laundering.

“The decision to designate the suspect wanted following his failure to honor NDLEA invitations and an order granted to the Agency by a Federal High Court in Lagos on Monday, October 17, 2022,” stated Femi Babafemi, NDLEA’s spokesperson.

In their recent attempt to export cocaine to Dubai, UAE, and other locations outside of Nigeria, some traffickers were caught, and the anti-narcotics agency was able to identify them as the sponsor of those traffickers.

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