Oliver Vershima, a catechist from St. Martin’s Parish in Mbape, Adikpo Deanery, Kwande LGA, Benue State, is currently missing in connection with the death of Martha Orban, a woman friend.

The catechist who was assigned to serve in St. Agustine Zone, Jov Mbahura, was found with a woman’s dead body around 7 pm on Saturday, June 3, 2023, according to a witness from the region who only went by the name Terhemba.

“Upon questioning him, it was learned that he had pregnant the woman; they attempted to end the pregnancy, but sadly, the woman passed away just before Mass.

The catechist made the decision to conceal this deed by keeping the body in his room until dusk, when he could transfer the body outside the village and potentially flee.

Unfortunately for him, he was apprehended while attempting to move the body out of the community and managed to flee, according to Terhemba.


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