The hearing of the case and the announcement of the verdict have been postponed by the Federal High Court in Kaduna on the alleged fraud against an elected official from Katsina to June 15 and 16, respectively.

In the case brought by the Economic and Financial Crimes Commission, Mansur Ali Mashi, a member of the House of Representatives who represents the Federal Constituency of Mashi Dutsi, is accused of obtaining a loan through dishonest means.

According to the EFCC, Mashi obtained N212,439,552 from Sterling Bank by utilizing fictitious firms.

According to the anti-graft agency, the offense breaches Section 15(1)(b) of the Failed Banks (Recovery of Debts) And Financial Malpractices in Banks Act and is penalized under Section 16(1)(a).

Mashi was suspended at the same time as Hassan Usman, Shehu Aliyu, Muazu Abdu, and Abdulmumini Mustapha, four bank employees who are now deceased.

The defendants entered a not guilty plea during their arraignment, and the case then went to trial.

However, the matter was continued for a second hearing and Justice Sale Musa Shuaib’s decision on June 15 and 16, 2023.

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