By our correspondent

The Federal Road Safety Corps (FRSC) has confirmed that at least four people perished, while two others sustained injuries in an accident involving a lorry on Nteje/Onitsha expressway in Anambra State .

The FRSC Sector Commander in the state, Andrew Kumapayi, disclosed the development to newsmen on Friday.

Kumapayi, who said that the accident occurred at about 9 a.m. on Friday, said the accident occurred when the lorry with registration number UML 587 XP lost control and somersaulted, adding that six persons were involved in the accident.

“Our rescue team arrived at the scene three minutes after we were contacted. The corpses have been deposited at the mortuary, while the injured persons are receiving treatment at Ndeli hospital in Awkuzu,’’ he said.

The sector commander urged motorists to drive cautiously and ensure that their vehicles were in good condition before embarking on trips.

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