Eniola Olayemi


Chief Gani Adams, Aare Ona Kankafo of Yorubaland, has ordered Nigerians, mostly those from South west, to come out in large numbers to vote and defend their votes.

Adams, in a message on Thursday in Lagos, said the postponement was a blessing in disguise, adding that it was very important for the people to exercise their franchise.

He also repeated his belief in restructuring, adding that the best option for Nigeria was to restructure the country.

“Politicians are at it again, promising heaven on earth, but the Yorubas have their future in their hands. We will not be carried away by those unrealistic promises.

“We will throw our weight behind any candidate that is ready to restructure this country. We are where we are today because of our failed system and weak institutions.

“For a very long time in the history of our nation, we have embraced a wrong value and it is affecting us. Many companies are folding up by the day and the cost of running business in Nigeria is above the reach of ordinary Nigerians.

“For instance, the cost of postponing the election is enormous. The quality of our democratic process is nothing to write home about and there is reason for us to get it right with restructuring,” he said.

Adams, however, advised the leadership of the electoral umpire to brace up for the re-scheduled elections.

He said: “There should be no excuse, there should be no room for failure and INEC should not cave in to pressure over the elections.

“It is just a matter of time, however, we must embrace peace, all in the interest of Nigeria and the Yoruba race in particular,” he said.


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