1,Take some time to focus on yourself.

– If you’re doubting whether or not your partner is attracted to you, it might be best to focus on how you feel about yourself instead.

2,Remind your partner why they were attracted to you from the start.

-It can help reignite that attraction.

3,Make an effort to understand your partner’s needs.

-Remember to keep your own needs in mind,When we feel victimized in relationships, it can be tough to keep a positive attitude and to acknowledge your own actions and behaviors.

4,Keep in mind that, in some cases, the root of the issue could have nothing to do with you.Something else could be going on in their life.

-By communicating, Concepcion said you can also find out if there’s something else going on in your partner’s life that they haven’t talked to you about yet. Or, if they have, it could be deeper than you think.

5,Communicate what you’re feeling.

-modern family couple comfort sad
Your partner may not even realize they’re making you feel this way.
Direct communication can be the fastest way to handle the disconnection between you and your partner.

6,When you’re communicating with your partner, be calm and avoid confrontational actions.

-Try to stay calm. Freeform During times when we’ve been hurt, it’s easy to express how you feel by yelling, crying, or focusing on anger. But, there are ways to talk to someone without feeling the need to be aggressive.

7, Remind them that talking to you is a place of peace and comfort.

-Regardless of the severity of the issues in your relationship, your partner should feel comfortable talking to you, especially if the issue has something to do with you.

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