According to Chief Femi Fani-Kayode, Director of Media for the Tinubu Presidential Campaign Council, the opposition Peoples Democratic Party, or PDP, will put Nigerians through hell if it wins the 2023 general election.

Fani-Kayode stated that mistakes and constructive change are a part of governance, and while the APC-led government made mistakes, it was able to deal with them amicably so that the following administration could carry on the good job it had started.

In an interview that aired on Channelstv on Monday, Fani-Kayode made this claim.

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The APC leader asserted that “every government makes mistakes and accomplishes worthwhile goals. The following administration will carry on the less-than-stellar policies of the Buhari government. The positive changes made by the Buhari Administration will be maintained under Tinubu’s administration.

He declared, “PDP has broken its commitments to Nigerians over power rotation and other matters, but the situation in the ruling APC is much different. We were able to come to an amicable agreement, unite, and cede authority to the south, just like a family.

The former minister of aviation observed that “Demons in the APC have moved to the PDP. APC leader Femi Fani-Kayode claims that the APC of today is better than the APC of the past. He claims that a Tinubu presidency involves establishing moral authority.

Dele Momodu claimed yesterday that the APC simply copied and pasted the late MKO Abiola’s agenda without having any sincere aspirations to free Nigerians from poverty.

“At a time when the nation desperately needs strong leadership with vision and courage, all the APC seems capable of doing is basically copying and pasting things that have already been said and aren’t particularly innovative or ground-breaking.”

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