On Thursday, gunmen assaulted Ukpor High School, which served as the Independent National Electoral Commission’s (INEC) training facility for temporary personnel in Anambra State’s Nnewi South Local Government Area.

According to a source in the neighborhood, the incident, which happened at around 5:35 p.m., puzzled the pupils, NYSC corps members, and other people taking part in the training.

“I doubt that those individuals will continue to consent to work for INEC in that region. We praise God, however, that nobody was harmed in the process. I was traumatized by the event. We don’t know for sure if these individuals will let us work the next week,” the insider stated.

The State Police Public Relations Officer, DSP Tochukwu Ikenga, who corroborated the claim, responded to the incident in a statement by saying that the operatives had stopped the intruders from kidnapping or harming the trainees and their instructors.

“Following the policing strategy put in place by the Commissioner of Police, CP Echeng Echeng, that is powerful and dynamic to respond to any emergency and security concerns especially ensuring a hitch-free 2023 elections in the state, a joint security team successfully rescued and prevented armed men from hurting electoral officials on an assignment at Ukpor high school, Nnewi South LGA, today, 16/2/2023 by 5:35 pm,” he said.

The armed individuals interfered with the training session for the Ad-hoc personnel for the upcoming general elections in 2023 that included members of the INEC staff, some corps members, college freshmen, and some MDA officials.

“Joint security patrols have been stepped up in the area, and efforts to find the criminal elements are currently ongoing. Please share any further developments. ” he said.

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