The Central Bank of Nigeria (CBN) denied media claims on Friday that it had given the Deposit Money Banks (DMBs) permission to collect the outdated N500 and N1,000 banknotes from clients and the general public.

Mr. Osita Nwanisobi, Director of Corporate Communications at CBN, revealed this in a statement.

The Central Bank of Nigeria has been made aware of some false and illegal messages that purport to be from the CBN and claim that it has given the Deposit Money Banks permission to collect the old N500 and N1,000 banknotes, he added.

For the purpose of clarity and in accordance with President Muhammadu Buhari’s announcement from February 16, 2023, the central bank stated that the CBN had been instructed to only reissue and circulate the old N200 banknotes as legal money for 60 days, or until April 10, 2023.

“Members of the public should, therefore, dismiss any message and/or information on this subject that has not been officially disseminated by the Central Bank of Nigeria,” the CBN continued.

Media professionals are urged to confirm any facts before release from reliable sources.

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