On Saturday in Bathurst, Australia, Kenya won the mixed relay gold medal in the 2023 World Cross Country Championships.

Brenda Chebet, Daniel Kyumbe Munguti, Mirriam Cherop, and Emmanuel Wanyonyi successfully avenged Kenya’s loss from four years prior.

Chebet, who finished second in the 1500 meters at the World Under-20 Championships, did an excellent job of anchoring Kenya to victory.

Miriam Cherop gave Kenya a commanding lead after the country lagged in the first leg, which was run by Emmanuel Wanyonyi. In the closing meters, Daniel Munguti kept the advantage over Australia, handing the ribbon to Chebet, who raced a confident last leg to win the gold.

The silver and bronze medals, respectively, went to Australia and Ethiopia.

Kenya won the event with a time of 23:14, and Ethiopia came in second with a time of 23:21. Caster Semenya of South Africa, who was in the anchor lane, finished fourth. Host Australia came in third with a time of 23:26s.

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