Mohammed Bello Mu’azu, the Commandant of the Nigeria Security and Civil Defence Corps (NSCDC) for Gombe State, has cautioned Nigerian men—particularly married ones—to find out whether their girlfriends are HIV positive.

During the call, the State Commandant announced the arrest of an 85-year-old man who had allegedly slept with numerous young girls. Following a medical check, it was determined that both the man and his four wives were HIV positive.

According to Leadership, Mu’azu urged members of the public against illicit s+xual partnerships or ensuring they confirm the status of their s+x mates before indulging in any s+xual engagement.

He cautioned men to be cautious and find out if their side chicks are HIV positive because the incidence rate in Gombe State is startlingly high and many unaware carriers are in their window of opportunity. He compared HIV to a ticking bomb.

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