Suleiman Adamu, the minister of water resources, claims that rainfall, not the Lagdo dam in Cameroon, is the primary cause of 80% of the floods in Nigeria.

On October 19, Adamu remarked in Abuja: “All these stories I’ve been seeing on social media make me chuckle because they’re false. Only 1% of the country’s flooding is attributable to the Lagdo dam.

They occasionally release water without warning, and when they do, it affects villages downstream. However, it is not the primary cause of our nation’s floods; in fact, God provides water from the sky for 80% of our nation’s floods.

I can guarantee you that we cannot honestly place the blame for this year’s floods on Cameroon. Floods in the basins of the Niger and Benue rivers will persist. With the Cameroonian authorities, we signed the MOU.

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