A 20-year-old has told an Osogbo Magistrate Court that he always felt like raping any girl he saw.

Quadri Azeez was arraigned before Chief Magistrate Olusegun Ayilara on Friday for rape and assault.

Police said Azeez, on March 6, in the Ara area of Ede, raped and assaulted a girl.

Turning down his bail plea, Dr Ayilara asked why he was charged with rape.

Azeez said, “I always feel like raping girls that come my way. I always feel unease when I sight any girl; my parent has been going about for spiritual solution to my problem. This is the first girl I will ever rape.”

The Magistrate ordered that he be remanded in Ilesha Correctional Centre and adjourned the case till March 15, 2021.


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