Before voting in the governorship election on Saturday, Lagosians have been tasked with ensuring that the democratic advancements made during the last four years of Governor Babajide Olusola Sanwo-administration Olu’s are maintained.

At a forum in the state capital over the weekend, a few participants from various walks of life made the plea.

They also praised the governor for his leadership during the Covid-19 pandemic in 2020, serving as the incident commander and leading from the front.

Politics, business owners, professionals, and artisans are among the stakeholders.

They claim that under his administration’s THEMES program, Sanwo-Olu has maintained the state’s progressive development since he took office in May 2019.

The Sanwo-Olu administration’s six-pillar development plan is embodied in THEMES, the agenda for Greater Lagos. The acronym stands for Security and Governance, Health and Environment, Education and Technology, Making Lagos a 21st Century Economy, Entertainment and Tourism, and Traffic Management and Transportation.


They cautioned the electorate not to make an irrational decision in the governorship election because the Blue line rail project, which President Muhammadu Buhari recently commissioned, and the Red line rail project, which is nearly finished, are among the signature projects carried out by the Governor.

Alhaji Saliu Orilowo, the spokesman for the Association of Kwara Traders in Lagos, stated that his organization’s members have benefited from the services offered by the Sanwo-Olu administration and that they back the governor’s bid for reelection. Lagos State, according to him, is too significant to Nigeria’s progress to be managed by a novice.


Festus Oyalowo, an education expert present at the meeting, claimed to have given the Sanwo-Olu administration a high rating for educational advancement. Almost 1,000 primary and secondary schools have been constructed or renovated in the previous four years by Governor Sanwo-Olu. Who else can break this record? Oyalowo enquired.

In fact, Sanwo-administration Olu’s accomplished this achievement by establishing a special committee on public school reconstruction and constantly raising the sector’s budget by more than 10%.


At the forum, Mr. Okoye Anyaso, CEO of Cornerstone Properties Limited, stated that Sanwo-Olu has created a tranquil and harmonious environment for businesses to flourish in and for the many tribes to feel at home.

“Lagos continues to be the largest metropolis in Nigeria and the economic powerhouse of West Africa. Ten percent of Nigeria’s population resides in Lagos, which occupies one percent of Nigeria’s landmass, with a third of that area being water, Anyaso stated, adding, “We should all keep in mind that we are Nigerians as well as Lagosians. We must stick together and maintain the peace.

Sanwo-Olu has also received support for a second term from Mr. Ayodele Fayose, the former governor of Ekiti State. Fayose, a native of Lagos who only recently announced his exit from politics after years in the opposition, stated that he strongly feels Sanwo-Olu, the APC candidate for governor in the March 11 election, should be re-elected to carry on the good work of his administration.


“Business in Lagos is a serious matter. Lagos faces a lot of difficulties. I thus urge everyone in Lagos to go back to Sanwo-Olu.

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