In the February 25, 2023, presidential election, Peter Obi, the Labour Party’s (LP) nominee, charged that President Bola Tinubu’s charges of identity theft and forgery were handled lightly by the Supreme Court.

Obi stated this on Monday in Abuja at an international press conference.

The Supreme Court’s decision, according to the former governor of Anambra State, was an act of force directed at Nigerians.

But he promised to keep working toward providing hope for all Nigerians.

“The Supreme Court abdicated its responsibility as a court of law,” stated Obi. The court’s ruling goes against the substantial evidence of election tampering, the pretense of technological difficulties, and the information that has come to light regarding identity theft and forgeries.

“These are serious accusations that weren’t meant to be taken lightly. Our democracy suffers as a result of this courtroom drama, as the Supreme Court transferred a significant moral weight from the courtroom to our public conscience.

It’s an act of irrational force directed on the Nigerian people, who are the source of the constitution’s power.

“This is only the beginning of our quest for hope for the average Nigerian; Datti and I may have ended ours.”

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